Charitable Funds
Understand how Portage Path uses your donationsCharitable Funds
Portage Path is a safety net for the people in our community who often do not have the resources to pay the full cost of care they so desperately need. Government funding does not cover all of the essential costs, nor does it provide the resources necessary to become more effective over time.
We rely on community minded private people, businesses and community organizations to ensure the best care for those we serve. Whether you would like to support our mission broadly, or are passionate about a particular aspect of our work, the following funds are designed to advance Portage Path’s mission while allowing you, the donor, to contribute to the areas of our work most important to you. You may designate one of the following options for your gift. If you have other things in mind, feel free to contact us at the number or email address below.
The Portage Path Fund
This unrestricted fund allows Portage Path to serve 10,000 local people each year. Contributions to the Portage Path Fund allow us to conduct suicide prevention and awareness efforts, public education programs, professional development for staff, cover operating expenses, repairs, maintenance and equipment as needed to support the mission of Portage Path.
Recovery Innovation Fund
Portage Path’s Recovery Innovation Fund is used to cover the costs of establishing and enhancing new evidence-based, effective programs to help more people recover faster and more fully. This fund allows us to continually assess the needs of the community and refine our most effective programs. Each of these programs and improvements helps us move clients to their next milestone more quickly, more effectively, and with the best possible care. Examples of the programs that benefit from the Recovery Innovation Fund include:
• Crossroads Dual Diagnosis Treatment
• Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner Fellowship Program
• Trauma Informed Care Initiative
• Suicide Prevention & Education
Client Needs Fund
Most Portage Path clients live on less than $800 per month. Donations of personal care items, winter clothing, gently used purses, new socks or the funds to purchase similar items can make a real difference to people in recovery. Other times, there are non-behavioral health related services that they cannot otherwise afford which can be covered by this fund in extraordinary circumstances. Financial donations can be made through the mail or online. Donation of items are accepted at any of our four facilities.
Portage Path Endowment Fund
Funds donated to the Endowment are permanently restricted and are invested to keep Portage Path strong into the future. Only the earnings of the fund may be used for operations and maintenance.
For more information about how philanthropic funds are used, please contact our development office at 330.253.3100 x 1115, or email Director of Development Eddie Dengg at