Mobile Therapy Center

Bring mental health screenings to your community.

What is the Mobile Therapy Center?

Portage Path’s new Mobile Therapy Center (MTC) is a first of its kind 35-ft RV outfitted with a private room for mental health screenings and other services. Funded by private donors and foundations, this vehicle brings services to those in hard to reach areas of Summit County, or those facing stigma or language barriers. The MTC is available free of charge for community events, and for businesses, organizations, or places of worship to care for their employees and the people in their communities. All that is needed is a place to park! Request the Mobile Therapy Center today!

Request the MTC

Bring mental health screenings to your neighborhood, church or business! Portage Path's Mobile Therapy Center is outfitted with a waiting area and private room where depression screenings and other mental health related assessments can be conducted by a Portage Path clinician. The mobile therapy center is free of charge. If you would like to request the vehicle for your event or location, please complete the form below. All entries go directly to the inbox of our Director of Marketing for scheduling.